Shoe Shine - Basic Guide (Shoe care Shop Amsterdam)
Suede Care Guide (Shoe care Shop Amsterdam)
Videos courtesy of https://www.shoecare-shop.com/
While there are many products in the market for shoe care and the task of understanding and buying the right product can be a bit daunting, we will try to keep it simple here. Everything you will need is present in our Bridlen Shoe Care Kit. If however, you feel like you want more of a professional finish you can send your Bridlen Shoes to us for a Shoe Salon Service.
These are the steps by step instruction on how to revitalize and take care of your shoes.
1. If the shoe has laces, remove the lace. If you have a shoe tree, remove the insocks and insert the shoe tree.
2. Remove any dust or dirt with a soft brush by running it through the upper in a to-and-fro motion until it appears free of any foreign particles.
3. Using the cloth tied across your hand, apply 3-4 pea sized drops of shoe cream evenly across the shoe and massage it gently into the leather is small circular motions. Do this till the whole shoe is fully and evenly moisturised and let it set for 15-20 minutes till it dries. If the leather is very dry, repeat this step so the leather starts to look nourished and healthy.
4. Now use a clean part of the cloth, take very little wax and rub it on to the leather evenly throughout. This will close the pores and help to keep the moisture inside the leather and also give a nice shine due to the properties of wax.
5. Once the shoe is evenly waxed, sprinkle 3-4 drops of water on the shoes and using a shoe brush give broad strokes across the shoe and it will start to show a nice beautiful shine.
1. An often ignored part but one that is very important since it comes in direct contact with your feet even if only through socks are the insides of your shoes. A lot of salts get deposited and it is important to air the shoe. If the shoe has a removable insocks layer or a foot bed, we recommend removing the layer and propping up your shoes against the wall so the air can pass from the inside to the outsole easily. This should definitely be done every time the soles come in contact with excessive amount of water such as during rains or walking in a wet area.
2. Using a hard brush, first remove any dirt, grime or foreign objects from the sole edge and bottom.
3. Use an old toothbrush to get to the difficult areas between the upper and the sole.
4. And finally, do use a shoe tree to maintain the shape of the shoe. Also while it is okay to wear your leather shoes daily, it is recommended to let the shoe breathe a day and work a day. Our solution to this is to own a brown and black pair at-least if you want to wear leather shoes every day. We know we do!
Your shoes deserve a regular dose of upkeep and sprucing. Take time to pamper and rejuvenate them using the Bridlen Shoe Care Kit, with all the essentials required for your shoes to feel brand new again.
We at Bridlen will be happy to take care of your shoes for you. If you feel your shoes have lost their sheen, you can send them to us to get a new lease of life. We provide a full clean up, polish and shine service and ship them back to you. Write to us at shoemaker@bridlen.com to book your salon service.
For further shoe care products go to: https://www.shoecare-shop.com/